As was expected, the four adventurers found a dozen dead bodies lying where they had fallen inside the bastion. The twelve muskets were collected at once and loaded in readiness for a possible attack.

They had just finished when Grimaud announced that breakfast was ready.

The four seated themselves on the ground round the breakfast which had been laid out on a white table-cloth. Athos gave his man a share of the food and ordered him to keep watch.

"Now," said D'Artagnan, "there is no fear of our being overheard and so I hope you will at last let me into your secret."

"The secret is," said Athos, "that I saw Milady last night."

"You saw your wi—!"

"Hush!" interrupted Athos. "You forget that these gentlemen know nothing of my family affairs. I have seen Milady."

"Where?" asked D'Artagnan.

"At the Red Dovecot Inn."

"Then I'm lost," said D'Artagnan.

"Oh, no! It isn't as bad as all that, my friend," said Athos. "She has probably left the French shores by now."

D'Artagnan gave a sigh of relief.

"Who is this Milady?" asked Porthos in his deep voice.

"A charming lady!" said Athos. "A very charming lady who seems to like D'Artagnan so much that she hired two men to assassinate him. They tried twice, but failed. Then she sent him a pleasing gift of poisoned wine, which, by the way, we nearly shared with him. Last night she kindly demanded his head of the Cardinal."

"Impossible!" cried D'Artagnan, turning pale.

"Yes, that's quite true," added Porthos. "I heard her with my own ears."

"And I too," said Aramis.

"Then it is useless for me to struggle any longer," said D'Artagnan, completely discouraged. "I may as well blow my brains out, and all will be ended."

"That," said Athos, "is complete foolishness since it has no remedy. Good heavens! Grimaud is making signs that we are to expect visitors."

Grimaud reported that the enemy were approaching the bastion.

"How many men?" said Athos.


"What sort?"

"Sixteen workers and four soldiers."

Athos rose and, taking up a loaded musket, approached an opening in the wall. Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan followed his example. Grimaud placed himself just behind them ready to reload their weapons as soon as they had been fired.

The enemy approached along a trench leading from the city to the bastion, and Athos stood up quite openly to watch them.

"Be careful, Athos!" cried D'Artagnan. "Don't you see that they are aiming at you?"

Just at that moment the four soldiers fired and their shots struck the wall near Athos, but not one touched him.

Four well-aimed shots replied; three soldiers fell dead and one worker was wounded.

Quickly exchanging their muskets, they fired again. This time the soldier in command and two more workers fell dead. The rest of the men then took to their heels.

"Now, gentlemen, let us chase them," cried Athos.

The four dashed out of the bastion to the field of battle, but they were soon satisfied that the enemy would not stop until they reached the safety of the city. So, collecting the muskets of the four fallen soldiers, they returned in triumph to the bastion.

"I remember," said D'Artagnan, "you were saying that Milady had by now left the shores of France. Where is she going?"


"What is her object?"

"Her object is to assassinate or cause to be assassinated the Duke of Buckingham; but that does not worry me in the least," said Athos.

"Grimaud," said he, turning to his man. "Tie a table-napkin to a pole, and place it so that it flies above the bastion. That will show the enemy that they have business with brave loyal soldiers of the King."

Grimaud obeyed and soon the white flag was waving high above the four heroes. Distant shouts from the camp greeted its appearance.

The four friends went on with their breakfast and conversation about Milady.

D'Artagnan's hands trembled as he unfolded and read the paper which Athos had forced Milady to give up.

"This must be destroyed," he said, as if he had read his death sentence in it.

"Oh, no!" said Athos. "This paper is far more valuable than you think."

"But what will she do now?" asked D'Artagnan.

"Do?" said Athos. "No doubt she will write to the Cardinal saying that a cursed Musketeer, named Athos, forced her to give up the protecting paper. She will probably advise him to get rid of the two friends, Aramis and Porthos, at the same time. He will remember us as having crossed his path more than once. Then one fine morning when D'Artagnan is arrested and thrown into prison we shall be sent to join him to keep him company."

"I have an idea," said D'Artagnan.

"What is it?" asked the other three as with one voice.

"To arms!" interrupted Grimaud with a shout.

The four young adventurers sprang to their feet and seized their muskets.

This time the approaching enemy troop was larger, from twenty to twenty-five. They were armed soldiers, not workers.

"Shall we return to the camp?" said Porthos. "I don't think the sides are quite equal."

"That is impossible for three reasons," replied Athos. "First, we have not finished breakfast. Second, we have still some very important things to discuss; and third, it requires ten minutes to complete our hour's stay."

"In that case," said Aramis, "let us prepare a plan of battle."

"Nothing is more simple," said Athos. "As soon as the enemy are within reach, we shall fire. If they continue to advance we shall fire again, and continue to fire so long as we have loaded muskets. If those who remain persist in their attack we will allow them to reach the trench below. Then we shall push down on them this wall which seems to remain upright only by a miracle."

All agreed to this plan as being excellent, and they each took aim at a different soldier.

"Fire!" shouted Athos.

Four muskets were fired, and four soldiers fell.

The enemy's drum beat more quickly and the little troop advanced at a run.

The four holders of the bastion continued to fire and soldiers continued to fall. The troop still advanced.

A dozen of the soldiers finally reached the trench at the foot of the bastion walls. Without stopping they immediately prepared to climb.

"Now," shouted Athos. "The wall, the wall!"

The four, with Grimaud helping, rushed to the enormous wall which was already leaning outwards. With their muskets they pushed against it until, with a terrible sound, it crashed down into the trench. The cries of the trapped soldiers were fearful. A cloud of dust rose, and the silence that followed seemed unnatural.

"I wonder if we have destroyed them all," said Athos.

"It looks as though we have," said D'Artagnan.

"No," cried Porthos. "There go three or four crawling away."

In fact, four unfortunate soldiers, covered with dirt and blood, were making their way painfully along the trench back to the city. They were the only living ones left of the attacking force.